
We have worked with 120 soils from the SE and centre-west of Spain, many of which have been more extensively studied in some publications (DORRONSORO and DELGADO, 1974; DORRONSORO et al., 1979; AGUILAR et al., 1977 and 1978; MESA et al., 1978; SIMON et al., 1980; PARRAGA et al., 1981).


The soils analysed have been classified as:

xerorthents (10 soils)
xerofluvents (2)
torriorthents (1)
xerochrepts (41)
xerumbrepts (14)
rendolls (6)
chromoxererts (2)
calciorthids (2)
salorthids (8)
haploxeralfs (18)
rhodoxeralfs (8)
palexeralfs 6)
ochraqualfs (1)
medisaprist (1)

The original material of these soils corresponds to:

limestones (37)
dolomites (5)
marls (28)
clays (2)
sandstones (10)
conglomerates (3)
gravels and sands (14)
slates (3)
mica-schists (14)
granites (4)

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