Gigaimages / virtual microscope


Illuviation with hydromorphy.

Thin section: LLP2-9. Horizon 3Btg3.


medium/high zooms magnifications
low/medium magnifications

Micromorphological features

After browsing these images you should have found, at least, the following characteristics.

There is plenty illuviation clay with an intense red color (including a lot of ferrous iron) in the whole thin section   Click on images for zoom in
The intense red illuviatio clay led to a drastic decrease of the porosity, the environment turned into more reductive and a yellow illuvial period arrived.    

The illuvial clay coatings initially located in the pores are moved and deformed to the inside of the soil integrating into the basal mass.

On the right side images, the reminding of these red and yellow coatings are shown



The most distinguishing feature of this thin section is the strong hydromorphy coming through the cracks.

When the accummulation clay continues during the second step of the yellow illuviation clay, the horizon should had turned out impermeable and then, this third step of hydromorphy appears.



Soil data


General features, macromorphology and classification

Micromorphology of  horizon 3Btg3

Micromorphology of the rest of the soil


Chemical data

Mineralogy of the thick sands

Mineralogy of the clayss


This soil was presented in the Fifth International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology held in Granada from 29th May to 2nd June in 1977. Organized by the Soil Science Department at University of Granada.