Publicada por la Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo


Volumen 6. Diciembre 1999. pág 95-107.



Influencia de los fragmentos gruesos en algunas propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo: antecedentes y estado actual del tema


M. J. Fernández-Sanjurjo

Departamento de Edafoloxía e Química Agricola. Facultade de Bioloxía. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (España)



Abstract: In this study a review of the effects of the soil fraction (>2 mm) on the physical and chemical properties of soils, was made. With regards to physical properties, several papers related to the influence on the hydrological response, thermic properties and productivity were reviewed. In addition, special attention was paid to the chemical properties of the coarse fraction and the latest research into this subject was analysed. These studies have highlighted the importance of this fraction in the storage of nutrients, metal retention, mineralogical transformations, etc. However, they have also made clear how little is known about other chemical properties, mainly in relation to biochemical and microbiological processes and the interaction between the coarse fraction and plants.

Key words: Coarse fraction, soils, efects, chemical properties, physical properties



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