págEdafología. Volumen 7-3. Septiembre 2000. pág 55-64.


Estudio de la variabilidad estacional en la movilidad de los metales pesados en suelos de cultivo mediante técnicas liximétricas.


Benito Lacalle Pareja 1. Paloma Fernández del Pino Navarro 2. Paloma González García 3. Anselmo Romero Limón 4

1. Universidad San Pablo. CEU. Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales y Técnicas. Boadilla del Monte 28668. Madrid.

2. Universidad San Pablo. CEU. Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales y Técnicas. Boadilla del Monte 28668. Madrid.

3. Universidad San Pablo. CEU. Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales y Técnicas. Boadilla del Monte 28668, Madrid.

4. Universidad San Pablo. CEU. Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales y Técnicas. Boadilla del Monte 28668.Madrid.




By exposing three differents soils (Cambisols, Luvisols and Fluvisols) with neat agricultural vocation, to the contamination of five metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) it has been observed that the response to transversal motion of contaminants is very similar in Cambisols and Luvisols, but fully different in Fluvisols. We have used Lyximetry as the evaluation technique , and the square of the euclidean difference of concentrations, as the evaluation criterion. Differences only appear in the case of Fluvisol which overcomes in 600 times the analogons behaviour between Cambisol and Luvisol.

When studied by means of autocorrelations, metalic migration through Fluvisol soils shows seasonal variations, with probability > 95%, a feature which cannot be found in the other two soils.

Key words: Heavy metals, seasonal variation, leaching, euclidean distance.



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