Publicada por la Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo


Volumen 8-2. Agosto 2001. pág 13-20.


Aproximación a los requerimientos del territorio para el crecimiento de pino silvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) en la Sierra de Odén


J.R. Olarieta (1, 2), J. Molins (2), R. Rodríguez (1, 2), R. Blanco (3), M. Antúnez (1)


(1) Dept. Medi Ambient i Cičncies del SÚl. Universitat de Lleida. Rovira Roure, 177. Lleida 25198. E-mail:jramon.olarieta@macs.udl.es

(2) Area de SÚls. Centre TecnolÚgic Forestal de Catalunya. Pujada del Seminari s/n. Solsona 25280. Lleida.

(3) Dept. Producció Vegetal i Cičncia Forestal. Universitat de Lleida. Rovira Roure, 177. Lleida 25198.



Abstract. Land requirements for Pinus sylvestris L. growth were studied in 22 plots in Sierra de Odén (Lleida) by comparing site index values to land characteristics. For the whole set of plots, site index at age 75 years (IE75) is positively correlated with rootable depth. In plots located above 1400 m, higher growth occurs on South-facing plots (IE75 of 16,3 m) than on North-facing plots (IE75 of 13,3 m), and within South-facing plots, on non-shallow soils (IE75 of 21í5 m) than on shallow soils (IE75 of 13,7 m). In plots below 1400 m, aspect has no significant effect, whereas accumulated moisture deficit and rootable depth show a strong correlation with IE75. We emphasize that land characteristics may have contradictory effects on growth depending upon the other characteristics, and thus, at each spatial scale of analysis, their effects must be studied as a whole.

Keywords: forest soils; land evaluation; Pinus sylvestris; site quality.


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