Hidromorphy in soils. Index Hidromorphy in soils. Index

 Soil Micromorphology

1. OptMine
Optical mineralogy

2. Micromorphography
Soil description under
the microscope

3. Micromorphology
Soil interpretation
under the microscope



Hydromorphy in soils

B. Dorronsoro*, J. Aguilar**, C. Dorronsoro-Díaz***, G. Stoops****, M. Sierra**, J. Fernández**, C. Dorronsoro-Fdez**

* Dpto. Lenguas y Ciencias de la Computacion, E.T.S.I. Informatica, Universidad de Malaga, 29071 Malaga, Spain.
** Dpto. Edafología y Química Agrícola , Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada., 18002 Granada, Spain.
*** Instituto de Optica "Daza Valdes", Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. 28006 Madrid, Spain.
*** International Training Centre for Post-Graduate Soil Scientists, University of Gent, Krijgslaan 281, B-9000 Gent, Belgium.


In this programme features that point to hydromorphism in soils, at a macroscopic and a microscopic scale, are described. They are related to macrofeatures observed in the profiles, and their conditions of formation are analyzed.




Hydromorphic Profiles



